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Create an extension


The creation of extensions is experimental. The APIs can change in the future or may be removed entirely.


You can create an extension by creating KatalogExt. Using the KatalogExt.Builder makes it easier.

You can insert the Composable for the root and each components.

fun createSampleExt(): KatalogExt {
// Set the extension name
val builder = KatalogExt.Builder("Sample Extension")
// Insert `Composable` for the root.
builder.setRootWrapper { content ->
/* ... */
/* ... */
// Insert `Composable` for each components.
builder.setComponentWrapper { content ->
/* ... */
/* ... */

To create an extension, you need to opt-in to ExperimentalKatalogExtApi.

To use the extension, specify it when you call the registerKatalog method.

title = "Android Sample",
extensions = listOf(
createSampleExt() // add this line
) {
/* ... */

You can open a specific page from the extension. You can also observe the current page transitions.

Screen transition

You can access NavState within setRootWrapper or setComponentWrapper. Use a navigateTo method to move to a specific page ID.

val ext = KatalogExt.Builder("Screen transition")
.setRootWrapper { content ->
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
navState.navigateTo("/Group/Item") // specify a page to transition

Restore screen back stack

You can overwrite the entire back stack by using the restore method.

val ext = KatalogExt.Builder("Restore screen back stack")
.setRootWrapper { content ->
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
navState.restore(listOf("/", "/Group", "/Group/Item"))

Observe screen transitions

The current variable represents the current page and the backStack variable represents the current page and the pages behind it.

It is also possible to convert to Flow and observe them by using snapshotFlow method.

val ext = KatalogExt.Builder("Observe screen transitions")
.setRootWrapper { content ->
LaunchedEffect(Unit) {
snapshotFlow { navState.current }
.onEach { Log.d("current", it) }

snapshotFlow { navState.backStack }
.onEach { Log.d("back stack", it.toString) }

Page ID

The page ID is a concatenation of the names of groups and components. The root page ID is /.

title = "My App Catalog"
) {
// root page: /
group("Group") { // group page: /Group
compose("Item") { // component page: /Group/Item
/* ... */

If they have the same name, they will be numbered.

title = "My App Catalog"
) {
group("Group") { // group page: /Group
compose("Item") { // component page: /Group/Item
/* ... */
compose("Item") { // component page: /Group/Item(2)
/* ... */
group("Group") { // group page: /Group(2)
compose("Item") { // component page: /Group(2)/Item
/* ... */

If you use the following symbols in the name, they will be replaced according to the table.

title = "My App Catalog"
) {
group("Group/Item") { // group page: /Group%2FItem
compose("Item") { // component page: /Group%2FItem/Item
/* ... */
group("Group(2)") { // group page: /Group%282%2F
/* ... */
group("/Group%282%2F") { // group page: /Group%25282%252F
/* ... */