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Inject into Composable

Koject allows injection into Composable functions.

Setup for Compose

To use Koject for injection into Composable functions, you need to add the following dependencies to your project:

dependencies {

Please also refer to the Setup document.

Using Koject with Compose

To inject a provided type into a Composable function, you can use the rememberInject() Composable function.

class SampleController
fun Sample(
controller: SampleController = rememberInject()
) {
/* ... */

While you can call rememberInject() inside Composable functions, it is recommended to use it as a default argument instead. This makes it easier to replace the injected dependency during testing.

fun Sample() {
val controller: SampleController = rememberInject() // Not recommended

Do not call the inject() function directly from Composable functions. Creating a new instance for each render or running the injection process many times can cause performance degradation.

fun Sample(
controller: SampleController = inject() // DO NOT!!
) {
/* ... */

Inject Compsable CoroutineScope

Koject defines the @ComposeComponent, which restricts a type to be injectable only into Composable functions or ComposeComponent types.

class ComposeHelper
class ComposeHelperHolder(
val helper: ComposeHelper // can be injected
val MyActivity: ComponentActivity {
val helper: ComposeHelper by lazyInject() // can be injected

The ComposeComponent type can also inject an comopsition-scoped CoroutineScope. The CoroutineScope requires an @ComposeCoroutineScope qualifier.

class ComposeHelper(
val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope // same as rememberCoroutineScope()

This CoroutineScope will be canceled when hidden, just like rememberCoroutineScope().

Inject Context (Android)

Similarly, android.content.Context can be injected by adding a @ComposeContext qualifier in Android.

class ComposeHelper(
val context: Context // same as LocalContext.current

Check the Android components documentation for all available components for Android.