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Inject into Fragment

Koject provides additional support for injecting into Fragments.

Setup for Fragment

The following dependency is required to take advantage of the additional support.

dependencies {

Please also refer to the Setup document.

Basic usage

You can use the Fragment.inject() or Fragment.lazyInject() methods to inject any provided type.

class Repository

class Controller(
private val repository: Repository
class MyFragment: Fragment {
val controller: Controller by lazyInject()

Inject Fragment into other types

Koject defines the @FragmentComponent and adding this annotation restricts it to be injectable only to Fragment or FragmentComponent types.

class FragmentHelper
class FragmentHelperHolder(
val helper: FragmentHelper // can be injected
class MyFragment: Fragment {
val helper: FragmentHelper by lazyInject() // can be injected

You can inject Fragment into FragmentComponent types.

class FragmentHelper(
val fragment: Fragment // can be injected

Inject Activity / Context

The following three types of Activities are also available for FragmentComponent types.

  • androidx.activity.ComponentActivity

You can use them like this:

class FragmentHelper(
val activity: ComponentActivity // can be injected

When using Activity, be careful to inject after the Fragment is attached.

class MyFragment: Fragment() {
val helper: Fragment = inject() // error!
val helper: Fragment by lazyInject() // can be injected

override fun onAttach(context: Context) {

val helper: Fragment = inject() // can be injected

You can also inject android.content.Context by adding an @ActivityContext qualifier.

class FragmentHelper(
val context: Context // activity's context

Inject Fragment's CoroutineScope

The FragmentComponent type can also inject an fragment-scoped CoroutineScope and fragment-view-scoped CoroutineScope. Use @FragmentCoroutineScope qualifier and @FragmentViewCoroutineScope qualifier respectively.

class FragmentHelper(
val scope: CoroutineScope, // same as Fragment.lifecycleScope
val viewScope: CoroutineScope, // same as Fragment.viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope

Check the Android components documentation for all available components for Android.