Package-level declarations


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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class Binds(val to: KClass<*> = Nothing::class)

Mark it to provide as a supertype.

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annotation class ExperimentalKojectApi

Marks declarations that is still experimental in Koject API

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object Koject


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interface KojectBuilder

Configurations to start Koject

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annotation class Named(val name: String)

String-based Qualifier

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annotation class Provides

Marks it providable by Koject DI Container

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annotation class Qualifier

Identifies qualifier annotations

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Mark as a type that Koject DI container instantiate only once


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inline fun <T : Any> inject(qualifier: Any? = null): T

Inject an instance with resolved dependencies.

inline fun <T : Any> inject(name: String): T

Inject an Named instance with resolved dependencies.

inline fun <T : Any> inject(qualifier: Any? = null, componentExtras: ComponentExtras<*>? = null): T

Inject an instance with resolved dependencies (experimental)

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inline fun <T : Any> lazyInject(qualifier: Any? = null): Lazy<T>

Inject an instance with lazily resolved dependencies.

inline fun <T : Any> lazyInject(qualifier: Any? = null, noinline componentExtrasProducer: () -> ComponentExtras<*>? = null): Lazy<T>

Inject an instance with lazily resolved dependencies (experimental).

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fun Koject.start(doNotUse: DoNotUse = DoNotUse, builder: KojectBuilder.() -> Unit = {})

Start Koject application